Job Fair Invitation Letter to Employers – Career Fair samples

Job Fair Invitation Letter to Employers

Job fairs are the highlight of the job-seeking and hiring experience for most students and employers, respectively. They are a great platform for prospective employees to let their wide-eyed innocent imaginations run wild with expectations. And they are the perfect place for recruiters to prospect for significant potential contributors to their establishments. Little wonder it’s also considered speed dating for companies and job seekers.

If you are an organizer of these events, it is common knowledge that the success of a job fair is hinged on a few important aspects of the career expo. But nothing impacts the quality of the event like the quality of recruiters that attend the event. And what better way to get the attention of recruiters than writing top-notch Job fair invitation letters to employers?

Tips for Writing a Job Fair Invitation Letter to Employers

Writing a job fair invitation letter requires a similar amount of finesse and precision that other formal letters do. It is important that they are straight forward, and bear the right amount of information to get your invitees interested in the event enough to want to attend it. Remember that it is an invitation letter.

Fine Tune Your Organization:

Before drafting a job fair invitation letter to employers; as with every other formal request – get your details together such that you wouldn’t have to send out follow-up letters indicating a change in arrangement. This might be unavoidable sometimes – but as much as you can, avoid anything that would rub off wrongly on your consistency and the quality of information you are trying to relay.

Pick a Great Location:

The location is the life blood of any great event. The venue of a job fair should be somewhere that will be comfortable and would excite your prospective guests.

Leave a Contact

Remember to leave a contact that is reliable and, if possible – dedicated exclusively to the event. This will be the primary point of contact for the employers who have questions about the fair or want to respond to the invitation

Shorter Events Will Attract Better Prospects

Shorter events are a much easier to look forward to than overly long events. Even the most extroverted recruiters have their human limits.

If You’re Seeking Exclusivity, Make It Invite Only

Nothing screams “exclusive” like invite only events. This will restrict the event to only guests; both employers and job seekers – that are invited to attend.

Sample Job Fair Invitation Letter to Employers

A job fair invitation letter to employers may be written from a variety of sources, but with the same aim. However, the purpose of organizing the job fair should be indicated as applies. For a school, it would be a great way to connect their students to employers and for some organizations, it may either be done as good will or as a means of creating opportunities for their employers when they are shutting down operations.

Sample Job Fair Invitation Letter to Employers (From a School)

Name of School
Name of Carrer

Human Resource Department
Name of Organisation/Employer
(City, State, Zip Code)

We are writing to invite you and your organization (Insert Organisation name), as a public service to our to our (insert name of career fair expo) from (insert time) on (Insert date).

We are currently seeking employers, business owners, and organizations that are currently looking to fill various positions with suitably trained individuals of relevant work experience.

We are hoping that they would participate in the career fair expo (name of career fair expo), to be held at the (Address of the career fair expo).

The purpose of the event is to provide a means to help our students and the community.

On behalf of (name of school), we hope that you would consider this request, while we will follow up to determine whether you wish to participate in this event.

When your participation is confirmed, a packet containing further information about the event will be sent to you.

Career Fair Expo Coordinator, (name of school)

Sample Job Fair Invitation Letter to Employers (From an Organization)


Employers/Organisation Name

We are writing to inform you that our organization (insert name) is organizing a 2017 job fair under the theme “add theme.” The Job fair aims to bring together employers, experienced professionals and entry level individuals under one roof between the (insert date) at the (insert address).

It is our belief that the Job fair will offer both employers with an excellent opportunity to deal with their active and future staffing requirements. Your participation is therefore highly essential, as you will come across the best candidates/professionals in the job market. Moreover, supporting high quality and innovative recruiting, investing in human resources and assisting in the capacity building of (insert country) as a participant will contribute in the human resource development o f the country.

Find enclosed within the letter, additional details about the upcoming Job fair.

Thanks for your kind consideration