BIS Certificate for Lithium-Ion Batteries

In recent years, lithium-ion batteries have gained widespread popularity as the preferred option for rechargeable batteries, owing to their lightweight design, high energy density, and extended lifespan benefits.

Li-ion batteries, characterized as advanced energy storage solutions, prominently incorporate lithium ions within their electrochemical composition. Given the substantial surge in demand for lithium-ion batteries throughout diverse regions in India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has taken the initiative to introduce regulations encompassing these products under the Compulsory Registration Scheme.

Let’s take a closer look at BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme for Electronics and IT Goods.

Brief introduction of BIS

BIS enforces a range of certification schemes applicable to products manufactured, marketed, or distributed within India. These BIS certification initiatives are crafted to guarantee the quality, safety, and reliability of products, thereby ensuring the provision of superior, secure commodities to the general public.

The BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS), alternatively referred to as BIS registration, is overseen by BIS to supervise the labeling and quality certification of Electronics and IT goods. As per the guidelines outlined in the CRS, no individual is permitted to engage in the manufacturing, sale, or distribution of electronics and IT products in India without obtaining a valid BIS registration certificate.

Prior to entering the market, electronic and IT products must undergo compulsory BIS registration. All products are required to conform to designated Indian standards and display the standard mark accompanied by a distinctive registration number. Products that do not meet the prescribed Indian standards are prohibited from being sold within the nation. Individuals found to be in breach of the provisions outlined in this directive will be liable to face penalties as stipulated by the BIS Act.

BIS Registration for Lithium-Ion Battery

Lithium-ion batteries are encompassed by the BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme. IS 16046 (Part 2):2018/IEC 62133-2:2017 pertains to Secondary Batteries and Batteries Featuring alkaline or alternative non-acidic electrolytes, such as lithium system batteries. According to this standard, sealed secondary portable lithium system batteries must obtain a BIS certificate. The standard outlines safety prerequisites for Portable Sealed Secondary Batteries and Batteries like lithium-ion batteries utilized in portable applications.

BIS has established standards for lithium-ion batteries to ensure compliance with all safety requirements. Each primary or secondary battery/cell covered under the CRS scheme, such as lithium-ion batteries, must undergo BIS registration and display the standard mark with a unique registration number. Upon confirming product adherence to India’s relevant standards, BIS issues a registration certificate. BIS registration is authorized based on a product’s self-declaration of conformity to specifications.

Lithium-ion batteries are mandated to meet various testing requisites stipulated in IS 16046 (Part 2):2018/IEC 62133-2:2018. All manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries must undergo testing of their products in BIS-accredited laboratories and subsequently register with BIS. To obtain a BIS license for lithium-ion batteries, it is imperative to ensure that your product aligns with the Indian standards.

If you’re a manufacturer or importer of electronic products and IT commodities, obtaining a BIS registration certificate for your products from BIS is mandatory. BIS registration is needed to ensure product compliance with Indian standards and to use the standard mark on your products.

We are a professional lithium-ion battery manufacturer based in China, and all our batteries adhere to various testing requirements stipulated in IS 16046 (Part 2):2018/IEC 62133-2:2018.

Tests Required for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Some of the testing requirements for secondary batteries and cells outlined in IEC 62133/IS 16046 are as follows:


As you are well-informed, under the BIS CRS regulations, BIS registration is an essential requirement for lithium-ion batteries. Without securing a BIS registration certificate in advance, no entity is authorized to engage in the manufacturing, sale, or distribution of electronic products and IT commodities within India. As a result, it is imperative for all battery manufacturers to obtain BIS registration prior to entering the market.

Lastly, if you intend to manufacture and import lithium-ion batteries in India, you should obtain a BIS registration certificate through the CRS scheme of BIS to ensure your products align with all applicable Indian standards. However, achieving compliance can be intricate. Besides, attaining BIS certification is not as straightforward as it may seem, involving coordination with authorities, product testing, approvals, and more. Therefore, we recommend you reach out to us for the lithium batteries with BIS certification.