Do you want to check or modify your car rental reservation?

You can change your online booking or cancel your rental car reservation by filling in your first name, last name, and confirmation number in the fields below.

Please note: If you modify your pick-up or drop-off location, date or time, this may result in a change to your rates, taxes, surcharges or underage fees. Please see your new rate quote when you verify your reservation.

Do you have any questions? Contact our award-winning customer service.

The Finnish general value added tax (VAT) rate will rise from 24 percent to 25.5 percent when the change will enter into force on September 1, 2024. If the vehicle rental is paid for after the law change comes into effect, the new higher value added tax will be charged to the customer. The change also applies to a vehicle rented before the law change, if the rental invoice or monthly installment is paid on or after September 1, 2024. Any advance payment for the rental must be agreed separately with the rental company.



* Required to look up a reservation