Detailed Summary Maps

DSIRE’s color-coded summary maps are updated quarterly and provide a geographical overview of certain policies that promote renewable energy in U.S. states. These maps are available as PowerPoint slides for easy incorporation into presentations and reports.

Energy Storage Targets Updated September 2024

Solar Access and Easement Laws Updated August 2024

Energy Storage Financial Incentives Updated July 2024

Offshore Wind Energy Targets Updated June 2024

Renewable Portfolio Standards and Clean Energy Standards Updated December 2023

Solar Decommissioning Policies Updated December 2023

Third-Party Solar Power Purchase Agreement Policies Updated November 2023

Net Metering Policies Updated November 2023

Distributed Generation Customer Credit Rates for Excess Generation Updated November 2023

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards Updated November 2023

Passenger Electric Vehicle Incentives Updated November 2023

Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Incentives Updated November 2023

Community Solar Rules Updated November 2023

About DSIRE ®

DSIRE is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University and receives support from EnergySage.