AVEVA System Platform 2020 Readme

This document contains important information about AVEVA™ System Platform 2020, formerly Wonderware. This version of System Platform includes a number of security enhancements and new features for the component products of System Platform.

Important: Support for 32-bit operating systems and 32-bit SQL Server versions is discontinued in this release of System Platform. System Platform 2020 is only compatible with 64-bit operating systems and SQL Server versions. If you have a 32-bit version of SQL Server, you must uninstall it before installing System Platform. System Platform will check that an installed SQL version is compatible prior to installation, and will display an error message if the installed SQL Server version is not compatible for any reason (not only for 32-bit versions). For information about moving from 32-bit to 64-bit SQL Server, refer to Issue 1249251 under Install/Uninstall and Galaxy Migration Issues. For general information about SQL Server requirements, see SQL Server Notes.

In This Document

Included in This Release

AVEVA Application Server 2020

AVEVA Communication Drivers Pack 2020

AVEVA Enterprise License Manager

AVEVA Enterprise License Server

AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Platform

AVEVA Historian 2020

AVEVA Historian Client 2020

AVEVA InTouch HMI 2020

AVEVA InTouch Access Anywhere Server 2020

AVEVA InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway 2020

Platform Common Services 4.4.1

System Monitor Agent Install Manager 2020

System Monitor Manager 2020

About This Release

Changelog: System Platform 2020

Add support for FLEX (subscription) licensing

Improve design-time performance for Object Wizards and Symbol Wizards

Improve propagation performance for changes made to Area objects

64-bit operating system required for all System Platform components

64-bit SQL Server required for Application Server, Historian, InTouch HMI, and InTouch OMI

Improve Galaxy Repository startup speed (aaGR process)

OI Core, OI Gateway, and OI Sim components are combined into the AVEVA Communication Drivers Pack

Allow import and use of WinForm controls in InTouch OMI ViewApps

Add InTouch OMI and InTouch HMI support for AVEVA Connect (cloud portal)

Add responsive option to InTouch OMI Layout Editor

Add methods for retrieving lists of named credentials in InTouch OMI apps

Add support for binding graphic custom properties in an InTouch OMI layout

Add HideContent method for InTouch OMI graphic and layout scripting

Add support for InTouch OMI Layout scripting

Add event scripting for InTouch OMI apps

Improvements to ContentPresenter app (InTouch OMI)

Add support for out-of-sequence data via multiple channels to AVEVA Telemetry Server

Allow OPC-UA clients to see Galaxy run-time data

Allow externally detected alarms to link to another attribute via a Boolean attribute (Historian improvement)

Add support for Historian LIKE/NOT LIKE functions in Application Server

Provide clear messages to allow customers to easily troubleshoot deployment issues

Miscellaneous bug fixes

Incorporate InTouch HMI and Application Server hot fixes

Supported System Platform Versions for Product Upgrade

You can upgrade directly to System Platform 2020 from the following versions:

Note that all existing products must be upgraded to the same version.

Supported System Platform Versions for Migration

You can migrate user-created content (for example, .cab files, .aaPKG files, Historian databases, etc.,) to System Platform 2020, as long as the content was created in one of the following product versions:

System Platform 2020 continues to utilize the server-based licensing subsystem introduced in System Platform 2017. This new licensing subsystem provides centralized license management, and replaces the file-based licensing system that was used in prior releases. Licenses must be activated before use.

If you are upgrading from Windows Server 2014 R2 SP1 (with or without patches), you must first install and configure a license server node, and activate the licenses to ensure continuous plant operation. The license server is typically installed on the Galaxy Repository node, but you can use a dedicated license server. See the "License Installation and Activation" section of the System Platform Installation Guide (SP_Install_Guide.pdf), located at the root of the DVD.

Start Menu and Shortcut Changes

Some Start menu folders and some of the System Platform shortcuts they contain have been renamed. Commonly used applications, such as the Change Network Account utility, Configurator, and System Platform Management Console, are now located under the AVEVA Start menu folder. These were under the Wonderware Utilities folder in prior releases.

System Platform 2020 Name

Wonderware System Platform

AVEVA System Platform

Sentinel System Monitor

AVEVA System Monitor

ArchestrA Service Bus Portal

Common Services Portal

AVEVA Enterprise License Manager

Enterprise License Manager

System Monitor Application

Readme Files for Other Products in this Release

To access individual product Readme files, insert the System Platform installation DVD and navigate to the applicable folder under the InstallFiles directory. Review the known and resolved issues contained in each Readme file for the component products updated for this release:

Location on Installation DVD

Application Server 2020

InTouch HMI 2020

Historian Server 2020

Historian Client 2020

InTouch Access Anywhere 2020

Important Information for Highly Secured Environments (TLS 1.2 Exclusively)

This information is applicable to a small subset of highly secured environments, in which operating systems and supporting networks have been configured to enable TLS 1.2 and where TLS 1.0 and 1.1 have been purposefully disabled. In these rare instances, some additional configuration is required to ensure that System Platform will work as expected.

System Platform 2020 includes various measures to strengthen security, including the ability to leverage TLS (transport layer security) 1.2, provided that TLS 1.2 it has been enabled and configured in the host operating system.

In some cases, you may have to enable TLS 1.2 support by applying Microsoft updates and by making several manual edits to the system registry. The tasks of applying all Microsoft updates and editing the system registry must be completed before you install System Platform 2020. These instructions also apply to any other software products that support TLS 1.2. Follow the instructions listed below.

If you are required to enable TLS 1.2 and disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1:

  1. Before installing System Platform 2020, make sure that your computer is up to date by downloading and installing all applicable Microsoft updates.
  2. If required by the updates, restart your computer.
  3. Edit the system registry. The .REG file shown below sets registry keys to their safest values.
    For additional information about these registry changes, see Configuring security via the Windows Registry. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 "SchUseStrongCrypto"=dword:00000001
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 "SchUseStrongCrypto"=dword:00000001
  4. Restart your computer to ensure that all changes take effect.
  5. Install System Platform 2020.

How to Find the Latest Product Requirements and Compatibility Information

For important information about this product release, go to the AVEVA Global Customer Support (GCS) website. Information on the GCS website includes product requirements, compatibility, as well as downloads from previous releases. After you log in, you can filter search results by product name and the release/version.