Communicators and Educators

Whether you communicate with the public or professionals, or teach students or other educators, MyPlate offers a framework for communicating food and nutrition messages based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025.

MyPlate logo with food group labels

MyPlate is for Everyone

Healthy eating is important at every stage of life. MyPlate offers a framework for the messages you communicate about the importance of foods and beverages rich in nutrients to help make every bite count.

The simplicity of MyPlate makes it a versatile and flexible tool for any audience. Created to be used in various settings and adaptable to meet personal preferences, cultural foodways, traditions and budget needs, MyPlate is used by professionals across sectors to help people learn how to build their own healthy eating routine.

MiPlato en español: There are many MyPlate materials available in Spanish — the MyPlate Quiz, the MyPlate Plan, tip sheets and printable resources, graphics, and more than 1,000 recipes in the MyPlate Kitchen.

The MyPlate website is filled with tools, tips, and resources for you to help your audiences Start Simple with MyPlate to create a healthier eating routine.

What’s on MyPlate?

MyPlate works best when it is customized for the individual consumer to include eating style, food likes and dislikes, cultural foodways, and family favorites. Help your audience start simple and take the first steps toward personalizing MyPlate to fit their needs:

young girl on computer and group of children in classroom

Helping Kids to Start Simple

Food can be a universal language for sharing and learning in and out of the classroom. MyPlate resources and tools are designed to be used alone or in lesson plan modules, as teaching aids, or at home. Help kids and teens to build a foundation for healthy eating at every stage of life by starting simple with MyPlate.

Healthy Eating for the Whole Family

Healthy eating is important at every stage of life, and MyPlate can be adaptable for everyone:

More Ways to Talk About MyPlate