Rental and Affordable Housing

If you are 60 or over and don’t want to move, but have trouble paying your rent, Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) may be able to help. SAFER, which is run by BC Housing, provides monthly cash payments to eligible B.C. seniors who pay more than 30 per cent of their before-tax income for rent.

Affordable and Subsidized Housing

Living in affordable or subsidized rental housing is another option for low-to-moderate-income seniors who don’t need special support or home care services.

BC Housing

BC Housing offers a range of housing assistance programs, as well as affordable or subsidized housing for senior renters with low to moderate incomes. BC Housing manages public housing in B.C., and maintains the housing registry, a subsidized housing listing and application service. The housing registry includes public housing, non-profit, and co-op housing.

Co-operative Housing Federation of B.C.

Most non-profit and co-op housing complexes have their own registries and application systems. For information on how to apply to co-op housing complexes across the province visit:

Renters' Rights and Responsibilities

If you’re a renter in B.C., the following organizations can give you information on your rights and responsibilities.

Renter/Landlord Dispute Resolution

Please note: if you live in BC Housing facilities, there is a separate complaints resolution process. If you are dissatisfied with BC Housing on any level, you can submit a complaint. For more information about the process, see:

Resources Summary

Great resources on this page include these BC Housing pages:

as well as these websites:

Related Information

Seniors who need a range of home health services or who need housing that provides assistance with personal care and hospitality services or care and supervision on a 24-hour basis, should see:

Related Information

Are you looking for housing options that provide seniors with some daily assistance? See:

Related Information

Did you know that renters are eligible for grants to improve the safety of their homes? For more information, see: