Online Join & Renew

Do you want to make it quick and easy for your members to pay their dues?


Do you want AZ GOLF to take care of collections for you?

If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then we have a solution!

Many AZ GOLF clubs are taking advantage of the Online Join/Renew Program, an Association benefit which allows club members to pay for their memberships online. It is quick and easy for the member to do, and it makes your job easier.

Not only does the member update their own profile information so you don’t have to, they can pay their dues through our site, which means we cover all credit card charges!

online payment

Here’s how it works:

It’s just that easy!

We realize that some of your members may want to continue to pay you directly – NO PROBLEM – you can either go online and pay in a batch by credit card or just send us a check for those members.

With the AZ GOLF's billing management system, it’s easy for you to see who has paid and who has not. You can even set the program to automatically inactivate those that haven’t paid by the end of the year.

It is customizable and completely up to you!